Apple juice, I’m leaving you for cranberry

glass with red drink surrounded by a pile of cranberries

(photo courtesy of

Earlier this week, I drafted a post called, “I’m finished with fruit juice.”

When I was allllllll finished, I searched for a graphic to add. The photo I chose (left) was in a article called “How Cranberry Juice Can Prevent Urinary Tract Infections.”

Here, I learned that, “[cranberry] juice changes the thermodynamic properties of bacteria in the urinary tract, creating an energy barrier that prevents the microorganisms from getting close enough to latch onto cells and initiate an infection.”

And, “the effects of regular cranberry juice cocktail and diet (sugar-free) cranberry juice are identical.”


So I guess I’m just finished with non-organic apple juice now.

Why? Read my original post.

Really, read it:

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